Stand out from the crowd with your very own custom QR business cards. Upload your own logo, photo, or graphic, or your existing card and have it redesign with QR code all for less than you think.
Simplify the entry of data into a Smart Shone


Use QR codes to make your business cards interactive


Use QR codes to make your business cards interactive


QR Codes Give Real Estate Signage Increased Selling Power


QR Codes Give Real Estate Signage Increased Selling Power


Using QR codes on apparel will position your company as an innovator.


Using QR codes on apparel will position your company as an innovator.


Use QR codes to make your business cards interactive


Use QR codes to make your business cards interactive


Use in real estate

Realtors love QR codes. It is like a fever that is sweeping the country. The QR code -- basically a next-generation bar ... read more


Use in entertainment

QR codes are becoming increasingly innovative and more and more ideas for their use are becoming a reality. ... read more


Use in marketing

Recently, QR codes have become more prevalent in marketing circles and have been integrated into both traditional and... read more

Contact Us

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You can contact us via our Contact Page. If you'd prefer to give us a ring you can always call us at: (202)-536-5617

Our Address

P.O. Box 2291 Rockville, Maryland, United States 20847